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Experts in their field


Isam Rateb Abu Hasan, MD

Senior consultant (Kongsvinger, Norway) 34 years of experience Doctor Isam Rateb Abu Hasan is an experienced gynecologist, obstetricians and urogynecologist with more than 20 years of clinical experience. His main specialty scope is focused on general gynecology, urogynecology and high risk pregnancy (IUGR, preeclampsia, preterm labor) management.
  • First consultation: 130 Є
  • Follow up: 110 Є

May Sunita Bergli

Senior consultant (Stokmarknes, Norway) 17 years of experience Midwife May Sunita is an expert within IoPT (Identity Oriented Psychotrauma theory) trauma therapist and midwifery. She is a warm and carrying IoPT midwife with many years of experience who focus to strengthen the mother/baby relationship from the very beginning through IoPT with her midwifery competence. She works at the maternity ward and having pregnancy controls out in the municipality. May Sunita has primary aim to make pregnant women and women giving birth to feel safe. She helps them to solve their own unprocessed psychotraumas so they can be able to get to know themselves and therefore have the ability to meet their baby’s needs.
  • First consultation: 140 Є
  • Follow up: 120 Є

MUDr. Denisa Marcišová

Dočasne neaktívny / Temporary inactive Senior consultant (Norrköping, Sweden) 12 years of experience Doctor Denisa Marcišová is an experienced gynecologist and obstetrician with more than 11 years of experience. She has a long-standing interest in general women's health and pregnancy management. Her main expert focus is the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic floor disorders, precancers of the cervix, vagina and vulva, and management of acute obstetrics. She is also a specialist in female contraception and care for women in menopause.
  • First consultation: 130 Є
  • Follow up: 110 Є

MUDr. Ján Bujňák, PhD

Head of department (Michalovce, Slovakia) 22 years of experience Prime Minister Ján Bujňák is a renowned obstetrician, gynecologist and oncogynecologist with more than 20 years of experience. His main expert focus is the diagnosis, management and surgical treatment of oncogynecological diseases (cancer of the vulva, cervix and body of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries), including benign and malignant breast diseases.  
  • First consultation: 150 Є
  • Follow up: 130 Є

MUDr. Katarína Starovecká

Senior consultant (Martin, Slovakia) 15 years of experience Dr. Katarína Starovecká is an experienced gynecologist and reproductive medicine specialist with more than 13 years of experience. Her main expert focus is the diagnosis and treatment of female and male infertility, the care of physiological and high-risk pregnancies, and the treatment of endocrinological disorders in gynecology.
  • First consultation: 120 Є
  • Follow up: 100 Є

MUDr. Peter Mydla

Senior consultant (Kaufbeuren, Germany) 24 years of experience Dr. Peter Mydla is a renowned gynecologist, obstetrician and mammologist with more than 20 years of experience. His main expert focus is the diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant diseases of female genital diseases and breast cancer, including plastic and aesthetic therapy of the external genitalia and breasts.  
  • First consultation: 150 Є
  • Follow up: 130 Є

MUDr. Roman Fiolka, PhD

Senior consultant (Žilina, Slovakia) 16 years of experience Dr. Roman Fiolka is an experienced gynecologist and obstetrician with more than 14 years of experience. His main expert focus is the care of physiological and high-risk pregnancies and screening for malignant diseases of the cervix and uterine body.  
  • First consultation: 120 Є
  • Follow up: 100 Є
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MUDr. Silvester Galo, PhD

Senior consultant (Martin, Slovakia) 27 years of experience Dr. Silvester Galo is a renowned gynecologist and reproductive medicine specialist with more than 25 years of experience. His main expert focus is the diagnosis and treatment of female and male infertility, IVF-ET, endometriosis, fibroids, chronic pain, menstrual cycle disorders, endocrinological disorders in gynecology and care for physiological and high-risk pregnancies.
  • First consultation: 130 Є
  • Follow up: 110 Є

Prof. MUDr. Pavol Žúbor, PhD, DrSc, MBA, FRSM

Senior consultant (Oslo, Norway) 23 years of experience Professor Pavol Žúbor is a renowned obstetrician, gynecologist, oncogynecologist and mammologist with more than 20 years of experience. His main expert focus is screening, diagnosis, management, surgery and subsequent treatment of oncogynecological diseases (cancer of the vulva, vagina, cervix and body of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries), including benign and malignant breast diseases.  
  • First consultation: 250 Є
  • Follow up: 210 Є

Prof. MUDr. Peter Urdzík, PhD, MPH

Head of department (Kosice, Slovakia) 27 years of experience Professor Peter Urdzik is a renowned gynecologist, urogynecologist and obstetrician with more than 25 years of experience. His main expert focus is the diagnosis and surgical treatment of urinary incontinence and pelvic floor disorders.
  • First consultation: 150 Є
  • Follow up: 130 Є

Prof. MUDr. Róbert Dankovčík, PhD, MPH

Senior consultant (Kosice, Slovakia) 32 years of experience Professor Dankovčík is a renowned gynecologist, obstetrician and sonographer with more than 30 years of experience. His main expert focus is prenatal ultrasound diagnostics (focused mainly on VVCH of the heart and brain), expert gynecological ultrasonographic diagnostics, fetomaternal medicine and minimally invasive surgical laparoscopic treatment.
  • First consultation: 150 Є
  • Follow up: 130 Є
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